An instantly available database, configured with Corporate Branding, with simple consistent data inputs and powerful outputs.

Why would you partner with ProgrammExpress?
ProgrammExpress allows you to move away from manual reporting and labour intensive consolidation of periodic status whilst also allowing you to automatically report to your management team in a quick and easy way.
If you want to move away from spreadsheet-style reporting but don’t want a strategic, expensive, rich in functionality piece of software then ProgrammExpress is ideal for you!
Start capturing your project status updates, including commentary, plans, risk, issues and costs. It’s very quick and easy to install and requires minimal training.
Fully Auditable
Automatically maintain an audit trail of project status over the duration of your Change Programmes.
Always available
Cloud-based so easily accessible to users, quick to implement and instantly configurable.
Maximising compliance
Improves compliance with project methodologies and project governance, enhancing your current working practices.
Improving data consistency
Removing disparate methods of updates and moving to a standard approach, to achieve higher levels of data consistency in your reporting.
Real-time reporting
Access up to date information anytime, removing the time lag from provision of status updates to final report publication.
Time saving
Reduces Central Administration workload and Project Manager time in providing status updates.
Simplify consolidation of high level project data enabling real-time project information in a ‘user-friendly’ manner.