In terms of Programme and Project Reporting, the impact of change on the business is rarely reported in any other way than a Gantt Chart of a specific project, or through narrative on a progress report. Of course there will always be verbal communication to the Stakeholders.

Which is fine for a project, but what about the Portfolio of projects, and the volume of change impacting specific business areas? And whether there is capacity within the business units to support every project?

The reality is that you will:-

  • Ignore the process and let each project manage with the Stakeholder – no Portfolio view of the Change Impacts
  • Undertake a ‘one-off’ exercise to get round the whole Portfolio and gather the data – it’s an ongoing exercise and by the time it has completed, project timelines will have changed
  • Create a manual process on Excel which will be hard to manage and keep up to date, and confidence in the process and subsequent information will be lost
Projects Portfolio Impact by Business Area Report
Projects Portfolio Impact by Business Area Report

At ProgrammExpress, as well as all the usual Project Modules to provide Programme and Portfolio reporting, we also have an ‘Impact’ module that can be easily configured, allows for consistent and simple data input by the Project Managers, providing a real-time Portfolio view of change impact on business areas and processes. We believe it is fairly unique for a Portfolio and Programme Reporting solution to report by business area as well as by project. Get in touch for a live demo of how this works.